CHAPTER 57: The “Do Nothing” Lie!

In churches sometimes we can sometimes be fed some absolute rubbish that folks believe and then live by.quote-Maya-Angelou-nothing-will-work-unless-you-do-847

One of those which I would like to address is:

“Don’t do anything and God will bring him to you!”

LIKE “HUH really?” I have to confess I have spent years thinking that, I don’t do anything and suddenly an amazing man will appear in church, and we will fall in love, get married, have babies and be blissfully happy forever, sofar no success. Many of us (like me) had taken that word literally.

I’d like to put something to you…

Nothing x Nothing = Nothing (0 x 0 = 0)

Nothing + Nothing = Nothing (0 + 0 = 0)

Nothing / Nothing = Nothing (0/0 = 0)


Nothing + a number = a number 

So add a little effort to Nothing and there is an outcome

I challenge you all to find a situation in life where you did absolutely nothing say say at home alone, on your sofa eyes closed, not moving and something happened (e.g. the washing was done, dinner was made)

Let me put this another way,

You live alone and lay in bed all day doing nothing, the housework does not get done.

Your stay at home and don’t go to Uni and at the end of 3 years you won’t get a degree???

And I could go on…

I think the phrase needs a serious amendment. Those that tell you they did nothing it’s not quite the truth – I mean even faith without works will mean a zero outcome, RIGHT??

So ladies we need to do something and those of you who claim you did nothin he just came Out if the sky and fell on your lap (like really). Infact you did do something… So let me break down some of the things you did. This is from me looking at all my friends and doing some evaluation and analyses.

1) You showed up somewhere (eg at church). You where in the right place at the right time. So you left your house and went somewhere. It could be church or the library or the gym something.
Note to Single ladies: Go places, don’t stay at home, one day you will be out and you will just happen to be in the right place at the right time.

2) Men are typically visual beings. So your appearance caught his attention. whatever you wore or didn’t wear (lol). Your appearance made him look.
NOTE TO SINGLES: wearing your tiehead, the stocking foot on the street needs to go! You can’t wait for him to come to look nice, You need to make an effort everyday for yourself as a woman to look lovely. Lose the old fashion Granny clothes, go online do research about colours and clothes that suit your body shape. Try to not wear black so much wear bright colours and styles that suit your body shape they will make you stand out in a crowd and you will feel confident. Research about makeup and hairstyles. Do this for yourself and again one day very soon you will be in the right place at the right place looking amazing and catch someone eye.

3) You flirted. OK his might be an area of controversy for some Christians but it is what it is. He looked at you and you did something that made him feel confident and comfortable enough to approach you. I call that flirting.
NOTE TO SINGLES: Flirting is not what you think, it is so sexual trap to catch some man and then straightaway he will take you to bed. NO that’s sexual entrapment a completely different thing. In my book and what I now know Flirting = the art of making a man feel comfortable enough to come and approach you and have a conversation. I am a learner in this art but I know if I am always in a group of women men will not speak to me. If I don’t make eye contact that is clearly a sign that I want to stay single do no approach or I have a man or something along those lines. Google is the new library go online read about flirting and practice it daily! Take a few risks and talk to people you’ve never met. That way you are building your skill and confidence and one day you will be in the right place, catch his eye and be able to make him feel comfortable to start talking with you.

4) You where doing something. You had a career, you had hobbies,you had experiences, you can laugh. Basically these things helped you to have interesting things to talk about. The conversation wasn’t dull once he got talking to him you where interesting.
NOTE TO SINGLES: Do something, take up a hobby, go to the gym, learn about stuff, whatever have friends make yourself interesting to talk too. If you just go to work and come home and watch TV it seems so boring unless you want to meet someone like that. Have experiences travel, read be interesting, be present, be funny, be exciting and be daring. Some Christian ladies can act so Holy that it’s off putting to men. Learn to strike a balance, we are living on Earth and all of us are not perfect. Even Jesus did human things like go to weddings, eat fish, hang out with the disciples, go to friends homes for dinner, go on boat trips and so on!

5) You prayed. or someone somewhere was praying for you. [Yeah we all are like AMEN!] Let me break this down either you prayed or somebody somewhere was praying for you. That prayer enabled you to be in the right place at the right time, dressed in a particular way, confident in your skin with interesting things to talk about, great personality.
NOTE TO SINGLES: What you pray about also shows what is important to you. If your truly serious about meeting Mr Rightperfectforyou, get on your knees, tell your friends to pray for you literally get on Gods nerves asking and asking an pouring out your heart. When you were a kid and you wanted a particular thing you would bug your parents everyday, every moment, because getting that gift was important. God likes us to tell him our stuff pour out your heart your soul to him be honest God actually wants to be involved at every opportunity in YOUR Life. Then God can put you in the right place at the right time, identify the perfect outfit (yes God can do that too), make you into a better person, with an amazing personality who is comfortable in their own skin when for the Mr Rightperfectforyou he will personally deliver to you!

OK let’s go let’s do this!

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